数据库名称:Fungal ITS
数据库简述:Fungal ITS (Internal Transcript Spacer) project
所属国家/地区:United States
数据库主要信息:The ITS RefSeq Targeted Loci project is the result of an international collaboration with fungal taxonomic specialists to verify and provide a curated set of complete and near full length sequences with specimen data and correct taxonomic names. Collaborators at MycoBank, Index Fungorum, ISHAM, UNITE and curators from various culture and herbarium collections around the world contributed to this effort. ITS RefSeq accessions (NR_ ) include sequences mostly obtained from type specimens and a few from verified specimens (ultimately to be replaced with sequences from type specimens). The collection source of type material are indicated in each record and collection acronyms follows the collection codes maintained at the NCBI collections database.
联系信息:Contact information
National Center for Biotechnology Information
National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
United States
Contact name (PI/Team):
Conrad L. Schoch
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):