数据库简述:Gene-Drug Interactions for Survival in Cancer
所属国家/地区:United States
数据库主要信息:GDISC presents Gene-Drug Interactions for Survival in Cancer identified from integrative omic and survival analysis of TCGA data. Survival analysis has been applied to TCGA data to find genomic features that are predictive of patient survival. Typically drug exposure data is not considered due to its naming conventions. However, this represents a missed opportunity. We have standardized the drug names in TCGA’s drug exposure data, and performed survival analysis on drug-stratified subpopulations. By integrating of gene copy number, drug exposure and patient survival data, we inferred gene-drug interactions that impact survival. The collection of all analyzed gene-drug interactions in 32 cancer types are organized and presented here. GDISC allows biologists and clinicians to interactively explore the gene-drug interactions identified in TCGA, and discover interactions associated to their favorite cancer, drug and/or gene. GDISC and the accompanying standardized drug data will be updated with new TCGA releases.
联系信息:Contact information
Georgia Institute of Technology
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA.
United States
Contact name (PI/Team):
Dr. Peng Qiu
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):