数据库简述:an integrated resource for high-altitude associated genes and proteins, networks and semantic-similarities
数据库主要信息:Millions of people worldwide visit, live or work in the hypoxic environment encountered at high altitudes and it is important to understand the biomolecular responses to this stress. This would help design mitigation strategies for high altitude illnesses. In spite of a number of studies spanning over 100 years, still the complex mechanisms controlling acclimatization to hypoxia remain largely unknown. To identify potential diagnostic, therapeutic and predictive markers for HA stress, it is important to comprehensively compare and analyse these studies. Towards this goal, HighAltitudeOmicsDB is a unique resource that provides a comprehensive, curated, user-friendly and detailed compilation of various genes/proteins which have been experimentally validated to be associated with various HA conditions, their protein-protein interactions (PPIs) and gene ontology (GO) semantic similarities. For each database entry, HighAltitudeOmicsDB additionally stores the level of regulation (up/down-regulation), fold change, study control group, duration and altitude of exposure, tissue of expression, source organism, level of hypoxia, method of experimental validation, place/country of study, ethnicity, geographical location etc. The database also collates information on disease and drug association, tissue-specific expression level, GO and KEGG pathway associations. The web resource is a unique server platform that offers interactive PPI networks and GO semantic similarity matrices among the interactors.These unique features help to offer mechanistic insights into the disease pathology.
联系信息:Contact information
Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences
Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences, Lucknow Road, Timarpur, New Delhi, 110054, India.
New Delhi
Contact name (PI/Team):
Pankaj Khurana
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):