数据库简述:Mitochondrial Microsatellites Database of Viridiplantae
数据库主要信息:MitoSatPlant is an attempt to provide information of SSRs present in completely sequenced mitochondrial genomes of green plants. The perfect and compound SSRs were mined using Microsatellite Identification Tool (MISA; http://pgrc.ipk-gatersleben.de/misa/) and Imperfect Microsatellite Extractor (IMEx; Mudunuri and Nagarajaram 2007) was used for extracting imperfect SSRs. The minimum length criteria for different repeat types were considered as >=12 for mono-, >=6 for di-, >=4 for tri- and >=3 for tetra-, penta- and hexa- nucleotide repeats. Maximum difference between two compound SSRs was taken as 0. The mismatches allowed for imperfect SSRs were 1 nucleotide for mono-, di- and tri-, 2 for tetra- and penta-, and 3 for hexa- repeats with 10% imperfection. Primer 3 (http://bioinfo.ut.ee/primer3-0.4.0/) with its default parameters was used to design PCR primers for identified SSRs considering 200 base pair of flanking regions. The parsed data was used to develop MitoSatPlant which is an easy to use, interactive relational database of mitochondrial SSRs. User can retrieve information of SSRs frequency according to repeat type (mono-hexa), region [coding, non-coding or coding-non-coding (occurrence of few bases of SSR in coding as well as in non-coding regions or vice-versa)] along with average length of SSRs in an organism, density, primers etc. In case of coding and coding-non-coding SSRs corresponding gene id, protein id, and product are also provided.
联系信息:Contact information
Banasthali University
Department of Bioinformatics, Banasthali University, Banasthali, 304022 Rajasthan, India
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