数据库简述:Wall Proteomics Database
数据库主要信息:WallProtDB (http://www.polebio.lrsv.ups-tlse.fr/WallProtDB/) presently contains 3401 proteins and ESTs identified experimentally in about 50 cell wall proteomics studies performed on 13 different plant species. Two criteria have to be met for entering WallProtDB. First one is related to the identification of proteins. Only proteins identified in plant with available genomic or ESTs data are considered to ensure unambiguous identification. Second criterion is related to the difficulty to obtain clean cell wall fractions. Indeed, since cell walls constitute an open compartment difficult to isolate, numerous proteins predicted to be intracellular and/or having functions inside the cell have been identified in cell wall extracts. Then, except proteins predicted to be plasma membrane proteins, only proteins having a predicted signal peptide and no known intracellular retention signal are included in the database. In addition, WallProtDB contains information about the strategies used to obtain cell wall protein extracts and to identify proteins by mass spectrometry and bioinformatics. Mass spectrometry data are included when available. All the proteins of WallProtDB are linked to ProtAnnDB, another database, which contains structural and functional bioinformatics annotations of proteins as well as links to other databases (Aramemnon, CAZy, Planet, Phytozome, UniProt). A list of references in the cell wall proteomics field is also provided
联系信息:Contact information
University of Toulouse
Plant Science Research Laboratory (LRSV UMR UPS/CNRS)
24 chemin de Borderouge – Auzeville
BP 42617
31326 Castanet-Tolosan, France
Contact name (PI/Team):
Elisabeth Jamet
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):