Jacqueline Ho 医生

Jacqueline Ho 医生

Jacqueline Ho 医学在与保尔森博士一起在南加州大学凯克医学院进行临床实践和研究后,最初加入了南加州大学生育团队。


从加州大学伯克利分校获得分子和细胞生物学学士学位后,Jacqueline Ho 医生继续在加州大学尔湾医学院获得医学博士学位。她在加州大学旧金山分校完成了妇产科住院医师培训。她还在凯克医学院完成了生殖内分泌学和不孕症研究,在那里她担任妇产科的临床讲师。



  • 洛杉矶县/南加州大学医学中心
  • Rancho Los Amigos 国家康复中心


  • 本科:加州大学伯克利分校
  • 研究生院:南加州大学
  • 医学院:加州大学尔湾分校
  • 居住地:加州大学旧金山分校
  • 奖学金:生殖内分泌和不孕症,洛杉矶县/南加州大学医学中心


  • 美国生殖医学学会 – 心理健康专业组奖论文 – “影响癌症幸存者家庭建设的因素”
  • 太平洋海岸生殖学会卓越培训研究奖——“卵母细胞冷冻保存在实现活产方面与胚胎冷冻保存一样有效”
  • 太平洋海岸生殖学会培训奖学金
  • 北美更年期协会住院医师培训奖
  • 加州大学欧文分校章初中阿尔法欧米茄阿尔法
  • 病理学主席协会荣誉学会会员
  • 加州大学尔湾分校基础科学卓越证书
  • 分子与细胞生物学系荣誉课程
  • 加州校友会领导奖学金


充满希望的父母受益于我们洛杉矶生育医生的专业领域。Jacqueline Ho 医学博士发表了关于胚胎植入前基因检测、多囊卵巢综合征( PCOS )、体外受精 (IVF)、卵子和胚胎冷冻保存以及腹腔镜手术的研究。因为她认为每个需要生育护理的人都应该能够获得它,所以 D. Ho 还热衷于寻找方法让更多的男性和女性更能负担得起生育治疗。



  • Ho JR, Salem W, Arrach N, Rhodes-Long K, Ahmady A, Chung K, Bendikson KA, Paulson RJ, McGinnis LK. Pushing the limits of detection: Is cell-free DNA a reliable source for aneuploidy screening? Oral presentation at the 66th annual Pacific Coast Reproductive Society Conference; Indian Wells, CA, 2018.
  • Ho JR, Gorman JR, Whitcomb BW, Bouknight J, Su HI, Chung K. Factors associated with family building in cancer survivors. Oral presentation at the 73rd annual American Society for Reproductive Medicine Conference, San Antonio, TX, 2017.
  • Ho JR, Aghajanova L, Mok-Lin E, Hoffman JR, Smith JF, Herndon CN. Public attitudes in the U.S. toward insurance coverage for IVF and the provision of infertility services to lower income patients. Oral presentation at the 73rd annual American Society for Reproductive Medicine Conference, San Antonio, TX, 2017.
  • Ho JR, Rhodes-Long K, Salem W, Arrach N, Bendikson KA, Paulson RJ, Ahmady A. Abnormal cleavage patterns in embryos are associated with aneuploidy and poor morphology scores. Poster presentation at the 65th annual Pacific Coast Reproductive Society Conference; Palm Springs, CA, 2017.
  • Ho J, Salem W, Ma L, Savjani G Kumar A, Terry MB, Stanczyk FZ. Antimullerian hormone in prepubertal and adolescent girls. Oral Presentation at the 72nd annual American Society for Reproductive Medicine Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, 2016.
  • Ho J, Arrach N, Salem W, Ingles S, Bendikson K, Chung K, Paulson R, Ahmady A. Discordance rates between day 3 and day 5 chromosome results and the predictive value of time lapse morphokinetics. Poster Presentation at the 72nd annual American Society for Reproductive Medicine Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, 2016.
  • Ho J, Arrach N, Salem W, Ingles S, Chung K, Paulson R, Bendikson K, Ahmady A. Elevated mitochondrial DNA in embryos reflects aneuploidy and correlates with developmental arrest. Poster Presentation at the 72nd annual American Society for Reproductive Medicine Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, 2016.
  • Ho J, Woo I, Bendikson K, Paulson R, Chung K. Cryopreserved oocytes are as effective as cryopreserved embryos in achieving live births. Poster Presentation at the 64th annual Pacific Coast Reproductive Conference, 2016.
  • Ho J, Noel M, Cao CN, Mok-Lin E, Cedars MI, Huddleston HG. Semen Parameters and Paternal Age Do Not Effect Outcomes in Oocyte Recipient Cycles. Poster Presentation at the 63rd annual Pacific Coast Reproductive Conference, 2015.
  • Noel M, Ho J, Cao CN, Mok-Lin E, Cedars MI, Huddleston HG. Pregnancy Rates Significantly Decrease in Oocyte Recipients Who Fail Fresh Transfer Regardless of Transfer Day. Poster Presentation at the 63rd annual Pacific Coast Reproductive Conference, 2015.
  • Ho J, Kao CN, Kuzmich L, Shinkai K, Cedars MI, Huddleston. What does an elevated DHEAS mean? Investigation of an isolated elevation of DHEAS in PCOS. Supplement to Fertility and Sterility, Volume 100, Issue 3, Supplement, Pages A1-A2, S1-S572. Poster presentation at the 69th American Society of Reproductive Medicine Annual Meeting, 2013.
  • Ho J, Hoffman J, Cardenas M, Smith J, Klatsky P, Herndon CN. Demographics of women from low-resource, immigrant communities presenting for initial infertility care in the United States. Supplement to Fertility and Sterility, Volume 100, Issue 3, Supplement, Pages A1-A2, S1-S572. Poster presentation at the 69th American Society of Reproductive Medicine Annual Meeting, Oct 2013. Manuscript in progress

Ho J, Jain N, Olamendi S, Pick D, Mucksavage P, Lee J, Carpenter P, Zi X, Louie M, Clayman R, McDougall E. – Effects of Laminin 332 on in vitro growth of TEU-2 cells on Electospun Polymer for a Bladder Graft Model. Supplement to J Endourol. 2010 Sep;24 Suppl 1:A1-394. Poster presentation at the 28th World Congress of Endourology; Chicago, IL. 2010.

  • Kerbl D, Mucksavage P, Ho J, Pick D, Beck S, Lee J, Louie M, McDougall E. Non-Contrast Computed Tomography Histogram Analysis for Differing Renal Calculi Compositions. Supplement to J Endourol. 2010 Sep;24 Suppl 1:A1-394. Poster presentation at the 28th World Congress of Endourology; Chicago, IL. 2010.
  • Mucksavage P, Kerbl D, Ho J, Said S, Pick D, Lee J, Clayman R, Louie M, McDougall E. Institution of Early Discharge Plan Reduces Length of Stay Without Compromising Patient Outcomes. Supplement to J Endourol. 2010 Sep;24 Suppl 1:A1-394. Poster presentation at the 28th World Congress of Endourology; Chicago, IL. 2010.
  • Mucksavage P, Kerbl D, Ho J, Pick D, Lee J, Louie M, McDougall E. Differences in Grip Forces Among Various Robotic Instruments and da Vinci Surgical Platforms. Supplement to J Endourol. 2010 Sep;24 Suppl 1:A1-394. Poster presentation at the 25th Engineering and Urology Society Annual Meeting; San Francisco, CA, 2010.


  • Ho JR, Arrach N, Rhodes-Long K, Ahmady A, Ingles SI, Chung K, Bendikson KA, Paulson RJ, McGinnis LK. Pushing the limits of detection: Investigation of cell-free DNA for aneuploidy screening in embryos. Fertil Steril 2018; 110(3):467-75.
  • Ho JR, Arrach N, Rhodes-Long K, Salem W, McGinnis LK, Chung K, Bendikson KA, Paulson RJ, Ahmady A. Blastulation timing is associated with differential mitochondrial content in euploid embryos. J Assist Reprod Genet 2018; 35(4):711-20.
  • Jones T, Ho JR, Gualtieri M, Bruno-Gaston J, Chung K, Paulson RJ, Bendikson KA. Clomiphene stair-step protocol for women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Obstet Gynecol 2018 131(1):91-5.
  • Woo I Hindoyan R, Landay M, Ho J, Ingles SA, McGinnis LK, Paulson RJ, Chung K. Perinatal outcomes after natural conception versus in vitro fertilization (IVF) in gestational surrogates: a model to evaluate IVF treatment versus maternal effects. Fertil Steril 2017; 108(6):933-8.
  • Ho JR, Paulson RJ. Modified natural cycle in in vitro fertilization. Fertil Steril 2017; 108(4):527-576.
  • Ho JR, Woo I, Louie K, Salem W, Jabara SI, Bendikson KA, Paulson RJ, Chung K. A comparison of live births and perinatal outcomes between cryopreserved oocytes and cryopreserved embryos. J Assist Reprod Genet 2017; 34(10):1359-1366.
  • Ho JR, Hoffman JR, Aghajanova L, Smith JF, Cardenas M, Herndon CN. Demographic analysis of a low resource, socioculturally diverse urban community presenting for infertility care in a United States public hospital. Contracept Reprod Med 2017; 2:17.
  • Ho J, Maa J, Liou P, Lager J. Laparoscopic Management of a Canal of Nuck Cyst. Case Reports for the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons Jan 2015. e2014.002134.
  • Panchal H, Vranizan K, Lee C, Ho J, Ngai J, Timiras P. Early Anti-Oxidative and Anti-Proliferative Curcumin Effects on Neuroglioma Cells Suggest Therapeutic Targets. Neurochemical Research 2008; 33(9):1701-10.
  • Yaghmaie F, Saeed O, Garan SA, Gouw AM, Tran T, Ho J, Zhao LY, Voelker MA, Timiras PS. A Study of Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Receptor Immunoreactivity in the Supraoptic Nucleus of Young and Old Female B6D2F1 Mice. Supplement to The FASEB Journal. 2006;20:A536.
  • 如何在体龙基因完成所需的检测项目 流程简述 :在线咨询 - 采样送检 - 付款检测 - 检测分析 - 报告结果



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