基因名称:FMN2 (formin 2)
Chromosome(GRCh37) :1 Start: 240255185 End: 240638491 Strand:
简介:该基因属于formin同源蛋白家族编码蛋白被认为在肌动蛋白细胞骨架的组织和细胞极性中具有重要作用这种蛋白质介导肌动蛋白网的形成,在卵子发生过程中定位纺锤体,并调节细胞核中肌动蛋白丝的形成。该蛋白还形成核周肌动蛋白/局灶性粘附系统,在细胞迁移过程中调节细胞核的形状和位置该基因的突变与不育和常染色体隐性智力残疾(MRT47)有关。或者剪接的转录变体已经被鉴定。[由RefSeq提供,2017年7月]This gene is a member of the formin homology protein family. The encoded protein is thought to have essential roles in organization of the actin cytoskeleton and in cell polarity. This protein mediates the formation of an actin mesh that positions the spindle during oogenesis and also regulates the formation of actin filaments in the nucleus. This protein also forms a perinuclear actin/focal-adhesion system that regulates the shape and position of the nucleus during cell migration. Mutations in this gene have been associated with infertility and also with an autosomal recessive form of intellectual disability (MRT47). Alternatively spliced transcript variants have been identified. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2017]