基因名称:MUS81 (MUS81 structure-specific endonuclease subunit)
别名: SLX3
Chromosome(GRCh37) :11 Start: 65627872 End: 65633914 Strand:
简介:该基因编码一种结构特异性核酸内切酶,属于xpf/mus81核酸内切酶家族,在dna链间交联、复制叉折叠和dna双链断裂后修复过程中对重组中间产物的分解起着关键作用。编码的蛋白质与两个密切相关的必需的减数分裂内切酶蛋白(eme1或eme2)中的一个结合,形成一个处理dna二级结构的复合物。它包含一个N端DEAH螺旋酶结构域、一个切除修复交叉互补群4(ERCC4)内切酶结构域和两个串联的C端螺旋发夹螺旋结构域同源基因纯合子敲除的小鼠具有明显的减数分裂缺陷,包括未能修复DNA双链断裂的子集[由RefSeq提供,2017年6月]This gene encodes a structure-specific endonuclease which belongs to the XPF/MUS81 endonuclease family and plays a critical role in the resolution of recombination intermediates during DNA repair after inter-strand cross-links, replication fork collapse, and DNA double-strand breaks. The encoded protein associates with one of two closely related essential meiotic endonuclease proteins (EME1 or EME2) to form a complex that processes DNA secondary structures. It contains an N-terminal DEAH helicase domain, an excision repair cross complementation group 4 (ERCC4) endonuclease domain, and two tandem C-terminal helix-hairpin-helix domains. Mice with a homozygous knockout of the orthologous gene have significant meiotic defects including the failure to repair a subset of DNA double strand breaks. [provided by RefSeq, Jun 2017]