2015年12月31日,国际知名学术期刊《plant Cell》上在线发表北京大学生命科学学院瞿礼嘉研究组题为“RNA-binding proteins RZ-1B and RZ-1C play critical roles in regulating pre-mRNA splicing and gene expression during development in Arabidopsis”的研究论文,研究发现植物中控制RNA剪切以及基因表达的重要基因。北京大学生命科学学院吴柘博士、朱丹灵博士、博士生林晓雅、苗靳博士是这篇论文的共同第一作者,瞿礼嘉教授为论文通讯作者。
瞿礼嘉研究组通过反向遗传学、分子生物学以及生物化学方法针对两个植物特有的RNA结合蛋白RZ-1B和RZ-1C进行了生物学功能鉴定。他们发现,RZ-1B和RZ-1C在植物的生长发育的各个阶段,如种子萌发、根的伸长、顶端分生组织的发育、开花时间的控制、植株大小的调控等方面,都有重要的功能。RZ-1C蛋白通过C端定位于细胞核中,而且呈Nuclear speckle分布(图一);通过N端的RNA Recognition Motif(RRM)结构域结合一段富含嘌呤的RNA序列。更为有趣的是,他们首次发现RZ-1B和RZ-1C这两个蛋白可以与一系列的SR蛋白相互作用。无论是在动物细胞中还是在植物细胞中,SR蛋白都是一类控制RNA剪切的重要因子。通过遗传学方法扰乱这两个蛋白与SR蛋白之间的相互作用,会导致植物产生与rz-1b rz-1c双突变体相似的表型。他们随后通过转录组高通量测序分析,揭示出RZ-1B和RZ-1C影响了数以百计的基因的pre-mRNA的剪切以及几千个基因的表达水平。他们发现,RZ-1B和RZ-1C这两个蛋白可以结合到开花控制基因FLC上,抑制FLC的转录,并促进FLC的剪切,通过转录以及剪切的调控,影响了成熟的FLC mRNA形成,从而影响开花时间(图二)。这项工作从分子水平阐明了RZ-1B/1C这两个植物特有的RNA结合蛋白的工作机理,为人们深入理解植物中RNA结合蛋白调控生长发育的分子机制提供了全新的角度。
图一 RZ-1C定位于细胞核中
图二 RZ-1B/1C同时影响FLC的转录和剪接
RNA-binding proteins At RZ-1B and At RZ-1C play a critical role in regulation of pre-mRNA splicing and gene expression during Arabidopsis development
Nuclear-localized RNA binding proteins are involved in various aspects of RNA metabolism, which in turn modulates gene expression. However, the functions of nuclear-localized RNA binding proteins in plants are poorly understood. Here we report the functions of two proteins containing RNA recognition motifs, At RZ-1B and At RZ-1C, in Arabidopsis. At RZ-1B and At RZ-1C were localized to nuclear speckles and interacted with a spectrum of serine/arginine-rich (SR) proteins through their C-termini. At RZ-1C preferentially bound to purine-rich RNA sequences in vitro through its N-terminal RNA recognition motif. Disrupting the RNA-binding activity of At RZ-1C with SR proteins through over-expression of the C-terminus of At RZ-1C conferred defective phenotypes similar to those observed in At rz-1b/At rz-1c double mutants, including delayed seed germination, reduced stature, and serrated leaves. Loss of function of At RZ-1B and At RZ-1C was accompanied by defective splicing of many genes and global perturbation of gene expression. In addition, we found that At RZ-1C directly targeted FLC, promoting efficient splicing of FLC introns and repressing FLC transcription. Our findings highlight the critical role of At RZ-1B/1C in regulating RNA splicing, gene expression, and many key aspects of plant development via interaction with proteins including SR proteins.