国际护士理事会 (ICN) 新董事会发表了关于 COVID-19 疫苗接种的声明,强调了护士接种疫苗的专业责任、获得疫苗的持续和可悲的不平等以及保护护士的必要性从伤害。在新的疫苗声明中,ICN 申明其对 COVID-19 疫苗的安全性和有效性的信念,并坚信护士在增强公众对疫苗的信任和鼓励人们接种疫苗方面发挥着重要作用。它说护士有专业责任遵循公共卫生措施,包括接种疫苗,保护自己、他们服务的公众和他们工作的卫生系统。声明还敦促各国政府采取更多措施确保全球疫苗公平,特别是针对弱势人群、护士和其他照顾他们的人,并呼吁更好地保护护士免受他们在进行健康教育时遭受的虐待和暴力和疫苗管理角色。ICN 总裁 Pamela Cipriano 博士说:“护士一直被评为地球上最值得信赖的专业人士,他们在为患者和所服务的社区提供最新的、基于证据的医疗保健建议方面发挥着至关重要的作用。护士是很好的榜样,他们对 COVID-19 疫苗的积极建议只有在他们自己利用疫苗提供的保护作用时才会有效。”自大流行开始以来,ICN 一直呼吁优先为医护人员接种疫苗,并报告了对最脆弱人群的不成比例的影响,并对推广速度缓慢深感担忧,尤其是在非洲。ICN 首席执行官霍华德·卡顿 (Howard Catton) 表示:“非洲接种疫苗的进展仍然非常缓慢,85% 的人口仍接受单剂接种,不到一半的医护人员完全接种了疫苗。同样令人担忧的是,只有 0.1% 的非洲总人口得到了加强剂。这是一场道德、健康和权利危机,我们敦促各国政府立即采取持续行动,确保所有国家人民都能公平地获得全球疫苗。这将要求各国加强疫苗共享,并要求公司放弃其专利,以最大限度地提高疫苗生产、分销和交付的融资和支持效率。“我们绝不能落入认为大流行结束就在眼前的陷阱。绝不能有错误的安全感,因为仅靠个别国家无法使世界摆脱大流行病。”在最近的世界卫生大会上,谭德塞博士说,世卫组织的 34 个成员国,其中大部分位于非洲和东地中海地区,甚至无法为其 10% 的人口接种疫苗,而非洲 85% 的人口正在尚未接受单剂。ICN 担心所有这一切将意味着世卫组织到 2022 年中期让全球 70% 的人口完全接种疫苗的目标极不可能实现。从联合国开发计划署的数据中可以清楚地看到这种不平等,该数据表明,虽然高收入国家近 68% 的人至少接种过一剂疫苗,但在低收入国家,这一数字不到 12%。谈到护士在大流行期间面临的虐待,Cipriano 博士说,她和她的董事会同事非常担心其中大部分与不正确和误导性的疫苗信息有关:“护士在大流行期间面临虐待甚至人身攻击,并且在某些情况下,疫苗接种周围的有毒环境进一步使他们处于危险之中。我们都知道护理是一个具有挑战性的职业,但在工作的严酷之上还要面对暴力和攻击性是完全不能接受的。当关于疫苗接种的不负责任的谎言散布开来,人们将恐惧和愤怒发泄在那些帮助他们的人身上时,大流行对护士的身心伤害变得更加严重。必须停止暴力和虐待,Full TextThe International Council of Nurses’ (ICN) new board of directors has issued a statement on COVID-19 vaccinations, highlighting nurses’ professional responsibility to be vaccinated, the continuing and lamentable inequality of access to vaccines, and the need for nurses to be protected from harm.In the new vaccine statement ICN affirms its belief in the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, and its conviction that nurses have a fundamental role in enhancing public trust in vaccines and encouraging people to have them. It says nurses have a professional responsibility to follow public health measures, including getting vaccinated, to protect themselves, the public they serve and health systems they work in.The statement also urges governments to do more to ensure vaccine equity around the globe, especially for vulnerable people and nurses and others who care for them, and calls for better protection of nurses against the abuse and violence that they have suffered while conducting their health education and vaccine administration roles.ICN President Dr Pamela Cipriano said: “Nurses have consistently been voted the most trusted professionals on the planet, and they have a vital role in providing up-to-date, evidence-based healthcare advice to their patients and the communities they serve. Nurses are great role models, and the positive advice they give about COVID-19 vaccines can only be effective when they themselves take advantage of the protections the vaccines provide.”Since the start of the pandemic ICN has consistently called for the prioritization of the vaccination of healthcare workers and reported on the disproportionate impact on the most vulnerable populations and remains deeply concerned at the slow speed of the roll out, especially in Africa.ICN Chief Executive Officer Howard Catton said: “Progress in vaccinating in Africa continues to be painfully slow, with 85% of the population still to receive a single dose, and less than half of healthcare workers being fully vaccinated. What is also alarming is that only 0.1% of the total African population have been given boosters. This is a moral, health and rights crisis, and we are urging governments to take immediate and sustained action to ensure equitable global vaccine access for people of all nations. This will require countries to step up their sharing of vaccines, and for companies to waive their patents to maximise the efficiency of financing and support for manufacturing, distribution and delivery of vaccines.‘We must not fall into the trap of thinking that the end of the pandemic is in sight. There must be no false sense of security because individual nations alone will not be able to boost the world out of the pandemic.”At the recent World Health Assembly meeting, Dr Tedros said that 34 WHO Member States, most of them in Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean region, have not been able to vaccinate even 10% of their populations, and 85% of the population of Africa is yet to receive a single dose. ICN is concerned that all of this will mean that the WHO target of having 70% of the world’s population fully vaccinated by the middle of 2022 is extremely unlikely to be met.The inequity is plain to see in the United Nations Development Programme’s data, which suggests that while nearly 68% of people in high-income countries have had at least one dose of the vaccine, in low income countries that figure is less than 12%.Referring to the abuse nurses have faced during the pandemic, Dr Cipriano said that she and her board colleagues are extremely concerned that much of it is linked to incorrect and misleading vaccine information: “Nurses have faced abuse and even physical attacks during the pandemic, and the toxic environment around vaccinations in some situations has further put them at risk. We all know that nursing can be a challenging profession, but to have to face violence and aggression on top of the rigours of the job is totally unacceptable. The physical and mental toll of the pandemic on nurses is being made worse when irresponsible lies about vaccinations are spread, and people take out their fears and anger on the very people who are there to help them. The violence and abuse must be stopped, and it is up to governments to make sure their nurses are protected and kept safe.”原文链接:https://www.icn.ch/news/icn-says-nurses-have-professional-responsibility-be-vaccinated-because-their-status-role