
作者:河北省南皮县人民医院  张晓宁副主任技师


血晶一词,英文应为“hematoidin crystals”。Hematoidin 来自希腊词“haima”, 意思是“blood”。和希腊词“eidos”, 意思是“resemblance”。 把这两个词放在一起“blood resemblance”。意思是“和血相似”。 当hematoidin存在于黄体,被称为haemolutein。黄体是卵巢表面上的球面状淡黄色结构,在女性体内,是通常产生卵子的器官。Hematoidin也被称为haematoidin、blood crystals、hematoidin crystals。 

1913年的Webster’s词典中解释道:“(Physiol. Chem.) A crystalline or amorphous pigment, free from iron, formed from hematin in old blood stains, and in old hemorrhages in the body. It resembles bilirubin. When present in the corpora lutea it is called hæmolutein. 意思是血晶无定形,不含铁,血红素形成的,并存在于陈旧出血者体内。它类似于胆红素。WordNet词典是这样解释的:“an orange-yellow pigment in the bile that forms as a product of hemoglobin; excess amounts in the blood produce the yellow appearance observed in jaundice。

另外,很多外文书籍对血晶进行了记载:Philip Bovier Hawk (1918) 主编的Practical physiological chemistry书中提到:“BILIRUBIN (hematoidin). (Ogden.) yellow rhombic plates upon the spontaneous evaporation of its chloroform solution. The crystalline form of bilirubin is practically the same as that of hematoidin.”。由此我们知道,血晶是黄色菱形晶体(如下图),胆红素的晶体形式几乎是和血晶相同的。

由Charles Edmund Simon (1907) 主编的A Manual of Clinical Diagnosis by Means of Microscopic and Chemical Methods书中提到:“In dilute solution with sodium carbonate it shows four bands hematoidin.—Small amorphous particles of an orange or ni by- red color, or crystals belonging …”。由Ralph Waldo Webster (1920) 主编的Diagnostic Methods, Chemical, Bacteriological and Microscopical: A Text-book书中提到:”hematoidin. This ruby-red or reddish-yellow pigment is derived from blood coloring matter and like hematoporphyrin is iron free. …”。由Leonard Napoleon Boston1905年主编的A Text-book of Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory Methods书中写到:“hematoidin is a derivative of hemoglobin, and appears either as needles or rhombic plates which are of a light- or dark-orange hue, soluble in ether …”。



下图为Pierre Hébert 博士在支气管肺泡灌洗液中观察到的血晶。

Hennrick K等[1]报道了一名53岁骨髓坏死的男性坏死骨髓中线型细丝状血晶的放大图(下图)。


Gulati R等[2]报道了一位50多岁右桥小脑角神经鞘瘤多次手术的女子,脑脊液检查发现已吞噬血晶的巨噬细胞。

Tate GA等[3]报告了5例滑液发现的血晶。

1905年由Leonard Landois和Albert Philson Brubaker主编的Text-book of Human Physiology: Including Histology and Microscopical Anatomy书中提到:“After extensive dissolution of blood in the vessels, as, for instance, after transfusion with foreign blood, hematoidin-crystals have been observed in the urine”。可见血晶在尿液中也可观察到。Zaharopoulos P等[4]报告了宫颈涂片检查发现的血晶,Capaldo G等[5]认为在宫颈涂片血晶的发生率比以前认为的更常见,并经常与怀孕相关。



[1] Hennrick K, Yang D.Hematoidin.Blood. 2014,124(13):2158.

[2] Gulati R, Menon MP.Indicators of true intracerebral hemorrhage: hematoidin, siderophage, and erythrophage.Blood. 2015, 125(23):3664.

[3] Tate GA, Schumacher HR Jr, Reginato AJ,et al.Synovial fluid crystals derived from erythrocyte degradation products.J Rheumatol.1992,19(7):1111-1114.

[4] Zaharopoulos P, Wong JY, Keagy N. Hematoidin crystals in cervicovaginal smears. Report of two cases. Acta Cytol. 1985,29(6):1029-1034.

[5] Capaldo G, LeGolvan DP, Dramczyk JE. Hematoidin crystals in cervicovaginal smears. Review of 27 cases seen in one year. Acta Cytol. 1983,27(3):237-240.

[6] Stueck AE, Easton AS.Hematoidin (crystallized bilirubin) crystals in an atypical meningioma.Int J Surg Pathol. 2014 ,22(1):68-69.


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