来自韩国浦项科技大学(Pohang University of Science and Technology),韩国KAIST的研究人员利用纳米通道分析碱基导电性变化,从而完成DNA测序,这样的测序方法能大大缩短测序的时间,预计可以在1小时内分析30亿对碱基,这对于基因组测序研究而言具有重要的意义。这一研究成果公布在《Nature Nanotechnology》杂志上。
领导这一研究的是韩国浦项科技大学金光洙教授(Kwang S. Kim,音译),其研究组曾发明过世界最小键盘,这种由68个一万分之一米大小的零部件组装而成的超小型电脑键盘技术,可以用于硅半导体芯片的组装和将活细胞或组织制作成特定模式的组织工学,还可以进行关于让细胞按照特定形态生长的研究。
Fast DNA sequencing with a graphene-based nanochannel device
Devices in which a single strand of DNA is threaded through a nanopore could be used to efficiently sequence DNA1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. However, various issues will have to be resolved to make this approach practical, including controlling the DNA translocation rate, suppressing stochastic nucleobase motions, and resolving the signal overlap between different nucleobases4, 7. Here, we demonstrate theoretically the feasibility of DNA sequencing using a fluidic nanochannel functionalized with a graphene nanoribbon. This approach involves deciphering the changes that occur in the conductance of the nanoribbon10, 11 as a result of its interactions with the nucleobases via π–π stacking12, 13. We show that as a DNA strand passes through the nanochannel14, the distinct conductance characteristics of the nanoribbon15, 16, 17 (calculated using a method based on density functional theory coupled to non-equilibrium Green function theory18–20) allow the different nucleobases to be distinguished using a data-mining technique and a two-dimensional transient autocorrelation analysis. This fast and reliable DNA sequencing device should be experimentally feasible in the near future.