

  【摘要】  目的  研究自体回输在腹腔镜下宫外孕失血性休克治疗中的安全性和效果。方法  选择42例宫外孕或黄体破裂,失血性休克患者行腹腔镜探查,血肿清除并止血术,随机分成两组:一组腹腔镜下直接清除血肿(A组);另外一组在腹腔镜下清除血肿时,应用AutologTM  Autotransfusion System(USA-made)(AA组),收集手术野和体腔内的出血、积血,处理后回输给患者。结果  AA组和A组比较,患者术中生命体征没有明显差异(P>0.05);但AA组较A组液成分、胶体,明显减少(P<0.01)。结论  研究可以认为:自体血液回输在腹腔镜下宫外孕失血性休克治疗中的应用可节约血源且安全有效,临床上值得推广应用。
  【关键词】  腹腔镜;输血;自身输血;休克;麻醉;妊娠
  The application of autotransfusion in therapy of  hemorrhagic shock with ectopic pregnancy  by  peritoneoscope
  ZHOU Zhi-ming,RONG Xiong-fei,OU Yang-wen,et al .
  The Third Ancillary Xiangya Hospital of South Central Univercity in Changsha City Hunan Province , 410013,China
  【Abstract】  Objective  To investigate the safety and efficacy of autotransfusion in therapy in  hemorrhagic shock with ectopic pregnancies  by abdominoscope.Methods  We choice forty-two ectopic pregnancies or corpus luteum rupture with hemorrhagic shock into two sets: haematomas of ectopic pregnancies and  corpus luteum rupture  had been scavenged and haemostasised in laparoscopic approaching(A group);And the others using AutologTM Autotransfusion System(USA-made)(AA  group) in the same time.The blood  was collected from operative area and celom,and transfused back to the patiants after the same treatment.Results  The sufferers’s vital sign had little manifestation difference in the two sets (P>0.05), but the second set were  imported less blood constituent or colloid in the operation (P<0.01).Conclusion  It may presume that  autotransfusion is security and utility in therapy of  ectopic pregnancies  or  corpus luteum rupture with hemorrhagic shock by abdominoscope.It is valuable for  generalization and application.
  【Key words】  peritoneoscope;transfusion;autotransfusion; shock;anaesthesia;gestation
     作者:周治明,容雄飞,欧阳文,周 辉,阳晓燕,李彦文
   作者单位: 410013 湖南长沙,中南大学湘雅三医院麻醉科
  1  资料与方法
  1.1  方法 
  本组患者42例, 年龄15~42岁,体重36~85kg,既往无高血压、心血管疾病,均为宫外孕或黄体破裂大出血休克的女性患者,急诊行腹腔镜下探查,血肿清除止血,随机分成两组:一组腹腔镜下直接清除血肿,止血(A组);另外一组在腹腔镜下清除血肿、止血时,应用AutologTM Autotransfusion System(USA-made)(AA组),收集手术野和体腔内的出血、积血,处理后回输给患者,每组21例。麻醉诱导均用得普利麻2mg/kg、芬太尼6μg/kg、仙林0.16mg/kg快速诱导并气管插管;麻醉维持用得普利麻4mg/(kgh)、芬太尼2μg/(kgh)、仙林0.04mg/(kgh)微泵泵入,Panlon(England-made)麻醉机控制呼吸。患者急诊入手术室后,常规快速补胶体和晶,并依据患者生命体征变化,适当应用麻黄素、多巴胺等等心血管活性药物,纠正休克症状,避免因休克时间过长引起器官功能衰竭。患者术前常规禁食6h,禁饮4h,术前30min肌肉注射阿托品0.01mg/kg,鲁米那2mg/kg,常规术前导尿。有的患者可能饱胃,麻醉前需要插胃管行胃肠减压,以免麻醉手术过程中误吸。

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