疾病英文名:NDI2 - Diabetes Insipidus, Nephrogenic, 2, Autosomal 疾病分类:罕见病 内分泌类疾病 肾脏类疾病 其他别名:Diab…
疾病英文名:BHD - Birt-Hogg-Dube Syndrome 疾病分类:罕见病 肿瘤类疾病 肾脏类疾病 其他别名:Fibrofolliculomas with Trich…
疾病英文名:FHHNC - Primary Hypomagnesemia with Hypercalciuria and Nephrocalcinosis 疾病分类:罕见病 肾脏类…
疾病英文名:CON - Obstructive Nephropathy 疾病分类:非罕见病 肾脏类疾病 其他别名:Con Congenital Obstructive Nephro…
疾病英文名:EPM4 - Epilepsy, Progressive Myoclonic, 4, with or Without Renal Failure 疾病分类:罕见病 其它…
疾病英文名:Blue Diaper Syndrome 疾病分类:罕见病 肾脏类疾病 其他别名:Hypercalcemia, Familial, with Nephrocalcino…
疾病英文名:Megacystis-Megaureter Syndrome 疾病分类:罕见病 致命性疾病 肾脏类疾病 其他别名:Megaureter-Megacystis Syndr…
疾病英文名:GFND1 - Glomerulopathy with Fibronectin Deposits 1 疾病分类:罕见病 肾脏类疾病 其他别名:Glomerulopath…
疾病英文名:FWS - Forsythe-Wakeling Syndrome 疾病分类:非罕见病 血液系统疾病 肾脏类疾病 其他别名:Microcephaly and Growth…
疾病英文名:Genetic Nephrotic Syndrome 疾病分类:罕见病 肾脏类疾病 其他别名:Hereditary Nephrotic Syndrome 疾病简介:遗传…
伴有补体基因异常的非典型溶血性尿毒症,也称为伴有补体基因异常的非典型HUS,与遗传性非典型溶血性尿毒症和紫癜有关。与伴有补体基因异常的非典型溶血性尿毒症相关的基因是C3(补体C3),与其相关通路/超级通路包括先天免疫系统和补体通路。相关表型是肾脏/尿路系统和心血管系统。 Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome with Complement Gene Abnormality
胆囊横纹肌肉瘤,又称胆囊横纹肌肉瘤,与胚胎性横纹肌肉瘤和横纹肌肉瘤有关。附属组织包括胆囊。 Gallbladder Rhabdomyosarcoma
前胸静脉的分布模式 Veins, Pattern of, on Anterior Thorax
罕见遗传性视网膜疾病与视网膜 dystrophy 和虹膜 coloboma 相关,可能伴有先天性白内障。 Rare Genetic Retinal Disorder
Dracunculiasis, also known as guinea worm disease, is related to filariasis and parasitic helminthiasis infectious disease. An important gene associated with Dracunculiasis is STH (Saitohin). Affiliated tissues include skin and spinal cord, and related phenotypes are nausea and vomiting and skin ulcer. GWD – Dracunculiasis