疾病英文名:MC1DN30 - Mitochondrial Complex I Deficiency, Nuclear Type 30 疾病分类:非罕见病 其他别名:Mc1dn30…
疾病英文名:SRXY2 - 46,xy Sex Reversal 2 疾病分类:罕见病 骨骼肌类疾病 肿瘤类疾病 其他别名:Dosage-Sensitive Sex Reversa…
疾病英文名:HYPX - Hypoparathyroidism, X-Linked 疾病分类:罕见病 内分泌类疾病 其他别名:Hypx X-Linked Hypoparathyro…
疾病英文名:NPHS20 - Nephrotic Syndrome, Type 20 疾病分类:罕见病 血液系统疾病 内分泌类疾病 其他别名:Nephrotic Syndrome …
疾病英文名:RPSRDF - Retinitis Pigmentosa, X-Linked, and Sinorespiratory Infections with or With…
疾病英文名:MRXSPF - Intellectual Developmental Disorder, X-Linked, Syndromic, with Pigmentary M…
疾病英文名:PAIN - Paine Syndrome 疾病分类:罕见病 神经精神疾病 其他别名:Pain Disorder Pain Microcephaly with Spas…
疾病英文名:XECD - Corneal Dystrophy, Endothelial, X-Linked 疾病分类:罕见病 眼科疾病 神经精神疾病 其他别名:X-Linked E…
疾病英文名:EPILX1 - Epilepsy, X-Linked 1, with Variable Learning Disabilities and Behavior Diso…
疾病英文名:ASPGX2 - Asperger Syndrome, X-Linked 2 疾病分类:非罕见病 眼科疾病 其他别名:Asperger Syndrome, X-Link…
2,4-二硝基苯基过敏性接触性皮炎,也称为对二硝基苯基过敏性接触性皮炎。相关组织包括皮肤。 2,4-Dinitrophenyl Allergic Contact Dermatitis
缩窄性心包炎,也称为心包炎、缩窄性,与心包炎和血性心包炎有关。与缩窄性心包炎相关的重要基因是NPPB(Natriuretic Peptide B),其相关通路/超级通路包括胚胎和诱导多能干细胞和特异性标记物和肌纤维收缩通路。在该疾病的背景下提到了药物肝提取物。附属组织包括心脏和肝脏,相关表型为正常和肌肉。 Constrictive Pericarditis
胸壁孤立浆细胞瘤,又称胸壁孤立浆细胞瘤,与浆细胞瘤和外周髓外浆细胞瘤有关。 Solitary Plasmacytoma of Chest Wall
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, Axonal, with Vocal Cord Paresis, Autosomal Recessive, also known as CMTX3, is a genetic disorder that affects the peripheral nerves. GDAP1 (Ganglioside Induced Differentiation Associated Protein 1) is a gene that is associated with this condition. The affected tissues include the peripheral nerve, and the related phenotypes include flexion contracture and proximal muscle weakness in the lower limbs. CMT2RV – Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, Axonal, with Vocal Cord Paresis, Autosomal Recessive
胎盘早剥,也称为胎盘早剥,与肾皮质坏死和HELLP综合症有关。与胎盘早剥有关的重要基因是SERPINC1(丝氨酸蛋白酶家族C成员1),其相关通路/超级通路包括接触激活系统(CAS)和激肽/激肽系统(KKS)以及胰岛素样生长因子(IGF)的运输和摄取的调节由胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白(IGFBPs)。在该疾病的背景下,孕酮和地屈孕酮已被提及。附属组织包括胎盘和子宫,相关表型为稳态/新陈代谢和生长/大小/身体部位 Placental Abruption